Our company, which has more than 20 years of experience, unlimited variety of products and certificates of success and service from the past to the present, offers all the colors of Rainbow to your service.
Our company, which produces fabric, carpet and prayer rug products by using the highest technologies, continues its production and investments by keeping product quality and customer satisfaction in the first place. has been.
Our company, which is one of the pioneers of the sector, continues its activities within the borders of our country without compromising its quality and line; Italy, Germany, France, Greece, Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia, Romania, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, USA, Iraq, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Egypt, Algeria, Palestine, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan , India, China, Indonesia, Malaysia; By marketing its products to many countries such as Western and Eastern Europe, North America, Middle East, Central Asia and Far East countries, it provides income to the country's economy and creates employment.
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