I agree and declare that I read the clarification text on Turkishrugs.org web site and that I am informed in the scope of Law on Protection of Personal Data issue numbered 6698 on collection, recording, processing, transmission, and storage of my personal data by ISTANBUL CARPET EXPORTERS' ASSOCIATION (“IHIB”) principally in the framework of principles and obligations under law and according to purpose, methods, and legal reasons cited in Clarification Text and I am clarified openly and comprehensively on my rights under Article 11 of the Law and on how to use such rights.
I agree and declare that I explicitly consent to registry, processing, transmission to relevant institutions at home and abroad, and storage of my personal data on Turkishrugs.org portal that is created by IHIB for exporters and other shareholders to access the world market quickly and strongly, and also to increase market share from global trade.
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