Turkish Rugs Turkish Rugs
Scandinavian Kilim Patterned Carpet, Woven Base Decorative Chenille Carpet (Serteks-fes-13-)STOCK CO

Scandinavian Kilim Patterned Carpet, Woven Base Decorative Chenille Carpet (Serteks-fes-13-)STOCK CO

Category Decorative Rugs
Subcategory Decorative Rugs
Fiber Content 100% POLYESTER
Serteks digital printing rugs have a lint-free surface that is resistant to dust, dirt and water, and an anti-allergic lint-free texture. Our rugs have anti-allergic and antibacterial properties and are meticulously produced in state-of-the-art machines. Our carpets have a weight of 1500 gr in M2. Produced using 85% washed cotton and 15% sponge velvet fabric. Our patterns are designed by famous designers suitable for today's fashion, vintage, modern and various styles.