In early 1960s, we, under the title of Gökşimşek Tekstil San. Tic. A.Ş., started to operate in textile sector with our first shop in Bursa which is known as one of the textile and industrial center of both the World and Turkey.
We have developed in textile products, which are our main area of activity by working in the field of domestic wholesaling through contract manufacturing and then we have started manufacturing our own products in our first factory located in Duaçınarı/Bursa, which has became the weaving center after the export break through initiated in Turkey in 1980. In 1999, we improved our production line more by moving to our new plant with an area of 6.000 m² in Pilot Organized Industrial Site, the first industrial site of Turkey.
In 2014, in accordance with requests to our products, we have completed the construction of our plant with an area of 25.000 m² in Pilot Organized Industrial Site and started exporting our products including velvet prayer rug, carpet and upholstery fabric to countries in Africa, Far East, Middle East, Europe and America.
Since the very first day of servicing, we keep providing customer satisfaction by working with the mission of meeting customers’ demands more innovatively and more quality and keep contributing to national economy by working with the principle of having honest work ethics every day since our foundation.
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